Welcome to Billy’s Book Blog. Every time I, Billy, finish a book, I will write up a nice little review just to let you know what I’ve been reading and what I think about it. I’m a pretty speedy reader, so there will be a new post once a week give or take. Sometimes I’ll have guest reviews from other members of the Bum Family or my very best friends.

Hasta la vista, suckers!

–  Billy Bum


April 9, 2018



By Wendy Spinale

16-year-old Gwen Darling must find safety for herself and her younger siblings, Joanna and Mikey. This is hard as Captain Hook and the marauders are parading around London (renamed Everland) kidnapping children. Also food’,s scarce so there’s that’s a problem. But with the help of Pete, Bella and the Lost Boys, Gwen and her siblings will make it out just fine. (Otherwise there, wouldn’t be another book.)



 ⭐️  ⭐️  ⭐️  ⭐️  1/2

This book was wonderful. I especially liked how the author used Peter Pan as a base but then took her own unique turn on the story. I also liked how there were loads of foreshadowing like when it says that Joanna looks just like their mum, with her auburn hair, and then it says that the professor has auburn hair and the same colour eyes. Gwen’s a loveable character and is smart and quick thinking (most of the time.) I think you should read this book if you are a fan of Peter Pan, or maybe not; you might compare them to each other. If you like fiction and adventure this is the book for you!

⭐️ Characters were well developed and you could feel almost as if you know them


⭐️ This book had a way of explaining things as it went on so it would hold you in suspense but gave you time to make your own assumptions


I wish that this book had a prologue to better explain what was happening

The West Woods

March 15, 2018

 The West Woods

By Suzy Vadori

15-year-old Courtney Wallace hates attending St. Augustus but her father will only let her transfer if she does what he asks. Courtney makes a dangerous wish that will not only affect her but the people around her as well.

 ⭐️  ⭐️  ⭐️  1/2

I liked how this book gave you background information so you can see why Courtney is always so mean when you read this book you’ll understand why she’s so bitter. This book is also good because it had a very strong plot and you could tell that the author planned out everything, so it sounded the best it possibly could. This book has a really nice sound to it and flows all together very nicely. For those of you enjoy a thrilling fictional and magical this is for you! If you read this book I guarantee you won’t regret it.

⭐️The word choice was amazing and made all the difference


⭐️ Well thought out and super well flowing (whoops I said that already)


I wish that it had been more clear that this book took place the year before Ava went to St. Augustus.

The Fountain

February 20, 2018

 The Fountain

By Suzy Vadori

16-year-old Ava Marshall goes to the same boarding school that her mother and father went to. Ava encounters many troubles but the biggest is Courtney Wallace who keeps trying to get Ava expelled!  While attending St. Augustus Ava discovers a mysterious fountain that almost always leads to trouble. The West woods may be forbidden to students but, Ava’s not gonna let that stop her!

 ⭐️  ⭐️  ⭐️  ⭐️

This book was good and I enjoyed it much more than the sequel The West Woods. This book was good because the author used lots of description and detail such as telling the little facts that come into play later. Like when the author says that Ava’s Dad would have never got through high school without Courtney’s dad so he has a different job than before Ava’s wish. I had fun reading this book and it only had a few cringe-worthy moments. I hope that when you read this book (if you do) you will enjoy it as much as I did!


⭐️ This book had just the right amount of humour and other stuff


⭐️  This book had lots of fun within its pages


?   I wish that I was finished this stupid book review so I can go read!

By the way, the only reason I put up with writing this review is so I can actually read my books (if I don’t write a review they get taken away). I know no one is actually going to read this.

An Author’s Odessey

February 12, 2018

An Author’s Odessey

By Chris Colfer

Alex and Conner have to travel into Conners short stories to recruit an army of Conner’s characters. They must defeat their evil uncle, Lloyd who has teamed up with villains from classic literature. Will Alex and Conner manage to succeed, or will they fail miserably?

⭐️  ⭐️  ⭐️  ⭐️

This book was really good even though I haven’t read the 3rd and 4th books yet I plan to. I finished this book in a day and I had to skip to the end just to make sure the characters made it out okay, because who likes a book where the main characters die?

⭐️  This book was funny and used lots of detail and description


⭐️  I had to skip to the end to make sure everyone was okay


?  I wish the people reading the books at the library would hurry up so I could read the books in order

In a Handful of Dust

January 27, 2018

In a Handful of Dust

By Mindy McGinnis

Lynn and Lucy must head west to escape a deadly sickness. As they leave the sanctuary of their pond they find a couple of surprises along their way. Will Lynn and Lucy survive their deadly journey or will they die trying? Just remember that the only thing bigger than the world is fear.

 ⭐️  ⭐️  ⭐️  ⭐️

This book was a good read and I finished it in three days. In A Handful of Dust is the second book to Not a Drop to Drink. I found these books in a little free library and really enjoyed them. In my opinion, the second book is better because you can connect more with the characters. I hope you guys enjoy it too and realize why Dwight here makes such a valid point.

⭐️   This book was really well written and I could hardly put it down.

⭐️    The characters became friends to me and the book became a real situation.the author put me in such a position that I don’t think I will ever look at water the same way ever again, but for the valuable resource it truly is.

?   I wish that Ms. McGinnis had not killed so many people so that I could get the chance to know them then decide if I wanted them dead or not

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