Meet The Bums

Why Are We Called The Bum Family?

Well, in order to understand we have to take you back all the way to before our first film. We spent a lot of time together when we were younger. We all went to the same school and we were always together in one big group. We were never the type of kids to spend hours obsessing over Barbie’s outfits, though we did play with them. We were the kids who would play in the trees and bushes whenever we got the chance, loud and rowdy. One day when we were all on some errand and driving around the city in a minivan, Maezy & Berlin had the brilliant idea of the Bum Family. We spent so much time together as it was it seemed like we were a family, to begin with, so why not make up names to make it semi-official. We came up with names for everyone and had a grand time cackling away at the joke. A year later when we registered for the very first Animation Lockdown, we signed up under the name of the Bum Family. Ever since then we’ve stuck with the name.

Bennett Bum

Bennett is the eldest of the Bum Family at 15 years old. She works side by side with Bert. You can most often hear the two of them communicating through not so sensible grunts and squeals as well as her classic phrase of “Well. That’s problematic.” Her main focus is animating and editing on most of the films. Bennett is the web-spinner and media master of the Bum Family.  She has come to love their recent film, Lilly and The Baby, most out of the collection. Her favourite colour is cobalt blue and her favourite animal is a tiger. She plans to become an educator or filmmaker when she is done school.

Did you know that ducks can’t walk without moving their heads?

Bert Bum

Bert Bum is 15 years old and works alongside Bennett on all of the films. Her main focus on the films is drawing almost everything and serving as a constant example of how to stay focused. Super Canola takes the win as her favourite film that the Bum Family has made. Her favourite colour is dark blue and her favourite animal is a rabbit. Her dream job is to become a film director after she finishes High School.

Did you know that leeches have three jaws?

Barry Bum

Barry is 13 years old and works with Buddy on the films. She works as an artist and animator on all of the films. Her favourite Bum Family movie is Lilly and the Baby. She likes cool colours like dark greens and blues as well as really dark purple. Her favourite animal is an elephant. As long as she makes a difference she will be happy in her future profession.

Did you know that the average woman spends approximately $15,000 on cosmetics in their lifetime?

Buddy Bum

Buddy Bum is 12 years old and partners with Barry. She mainly draws and animates along with the rest of the Bum Family. She is constantly saying Radical and Flippin eh right bud. She is obsessed with Harry Potter but her favourite Bum Family Film is Lilly and the Baby. Her favourite colour is orange and her favourite animal is a turtle. In her wildest dreams, she will become a marine biologist to help thousands of turtles.

Did you know that the longest flight record of a chicken is 13 seconds?

Billy Bum

Billy is 11 years old and teams up with Bee to make the random little clips throughout the films. They most often work on Fuzzy and Rainbows Adventures as well as the final credits. The two of them are constantly caught giggling away and jumping on the trampoline. She often says “well that’s too bad for you.” Her favourite film is Lilly Gets A Pet, her favourite colour is red, and her favourite animal is a black bear. She wants to be a book editor when she grows up as she loves to read.

Did you know that Billy carves her wands based on JK Rowlings best selling series Harry Potter and the models found in the movies?

Bee Bum

Bee Bum is 8 years old and loves the colour yellow. She works with Billy on all of the Fuzzy and Rainbow movies. Together they work on the random little details that make the movies fun. Her favourite film is Lilly Goes Fishing. She can be heard saying What-ev along with a sassy hair flip and eye roll. Her favourite animal is an otter and she plans on becoming a spy as well as a movie actress.

Did you know that Bee loves to make up spooky stories?

Mom #1

Mom #1 is old as spit and loves the colour orange. She works her butt off trying to make sure that the Bum Family gets enough snacks to continue as well as media coverage and festival screenings. She works with Mom #2 and is clearly heard when she says to Finish you’re !@#$%^&* Chores! Her dream job is to be a Jockey. Her favourite Bum Family movie is Lilly Gets a Pet and loves buffalos.

Did you know Mom #1 once fell off a 100ft cliff and lived to tell the story?

Mom #2

Mom #2 is old and loves Birds, Dogs and Horses. She works alongside  Mom #1 as quality control and motivational background din. Her work is extremely important as without her nothing would get done. She is often heard saying Get to Work in an attempt to make the rest of the Bum Family focus. Her favourite films are Lilly’s Big Day and Friendship. Her favourite colours are blue, green and red. When she grows up she wants to be a princess.

Did you know that Mom #2 has never EVER broken a bone?

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